2024 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing

The Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing is awarded for outstanding papers on the principles of distributed computing, whose significance and impact on the theory or practice of distributed computing have been evident for at least a decade. It is sponsored jointly by the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) and the EATCS Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC). The prize is presented annually, with the presentation taking place alternately at PODC and DISC.

The 2024 Dijkstra Prize Award Committee concluded its deliberations and we are happy to announce that the 2024 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing will be awarded to

Nicola Santoro and Peter Widmayer

for their paper:

"Time is Not a Healer" which originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, pages 304–313, 1989.

The paper introduced the fundamental notion of dynamic transmission faults, with the goal of modeling message losses on a communication channel, in an otherwise synchronous system. As such, it was the first to investigate the impact of a changing communication topology during the execution of the algorithm on the solvability of distributed agreement tasks, enriching our understanding of this area, and leading to significant follow-up work.

The prize will be awarded in-person to the authors at PODC 2024 in Nantes.

The Award Committee 2024:

Dan Alistarh (chair), ISTA

Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Faith Ellen, University of Toronto

Fabian Kuhn, University of Freiburg

Petr Kuznetsov, Telecom Paris & Institut Polytechnique Paris

Jukka Suomela, Aalto University



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