How to Join the Italian Chapter of the EATCS

Annual Membership Fees

There are three membership fees:

  • 10 Euros to join the Italian Chapter only. This option is for those people that have already paid the EATCS membership fee.
  • 40 Euros to join EATCS only.
  • 45 Euros to join both the Italian Chapter and the EATCS.

We strongly recommend payements for more than one year; in this case, you need to multiply the fees accordingly.

Please notice that registration to ICALP includes the membership fee for EATCS and (optionally) for the italian Chapter. The list of the actual members of the Italian Chapter and indications about the expiration year of their membership is available at Members and Finances.

How to Pay

Sorry, we only accept money orders (bonifico bancario)! No credit cards, checks, or spare money.

Note that some banks have "hidden" costs on money orders, so please check that the final amount arriving at our bank actually corresponds to the IC-EATCS fees.

Here is the algorithm for sending us the fees:

  • Almost every University has a local contact person. Give the money to your local contact person (10 euros, 30 euros, 35 euros, or a multiple thereof). If there is no local contact person, you can act yourself as a local contact person.
  • The local contact person, after collecting the fees for her/his own University or Institution, performs the following two mandatory steps:
    1. Send a money order to 
      • EmilBanca (Agenzia di Budrio)
      • IBAN: IT26 F070 7236 6400 0000 0405 578
      • codice BIC:  ICRAITRRTS0

      • Address: Via Bissolati, 7 40054 Budrio
    2. Send an email message to both the Chair and the Treasurer, listing the names of the persons in the following format, one person per line:
      For example, this is the line corresponding the payment of two-years fee (2 x 35 euros):
      Cognome#Nome#Dip. di Informatica, Univ. di Pisa#Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3###56127 Pisa (PI)#Italy#email @
      It is important to give the correct information above as it will be used for shipping the Bulletin of EATCS to the proper destination (the electronic version of the Bulletin is also available on-line)
    3. If you need a receipt of the payment for a reimbursement, please contact the Treasurer. The Italian Chapter owns "codice fiscale/partita IVA" 95076600105. your social media marketing partner
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