EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award 2022- Call for Nominations
Deadline: January 10, 2023
CIAC 2023
The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Complexity is planned to take place from 13 June to 16 June 2023 in Larnaca, Cyprus. It will follow the recent, very successful editions of CIAC 2021 in Larnaca, Cyprus, CIAC 2019 in Rome, Italy, CIAC 2017 in Athens, Greece, CIAC 2015 in Paris, France and CIAC 2013 in Barcelona, Spain.
EATCS-IPEC Nerode Prize 2022
The 2022 EATCS-IPEC Nerode Prize for outstanding papers in the area of multivariate algorithmics is awarded to the following papers by Bruno Courcelle:
- "The Monadic Second-Order Logic of Graphs. I. Recognizable Sets of Finite Graphs." Inf. Comput. 85(1): 12-75 (1990)
- "The Monadic Second-Order Logic of Graphs III: Tree-Decompositions, Minors and Complexity Issues." RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl. 26: 257-286 (1992)
The 2022 Alonzo Church Award
The 2022 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation The ACM Special Interest Group on Logic (SIGLOG), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), and the Kurt Gödel Society (KGS) are pleased to announce that the 2022 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation is given to
Dexter Kozen
for his fundamental work on developing the theory and applications of Kleene Algebra with Tests, an equational system for reasoning about iterative programs, published in:
Kleene Algebra with Tests. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 19(3): 427-443 (1997)
EATCS Fellows class of 2022 named
The EATCS has recognized two of its members for their outstanding contributions to theoretical computer science by naming them as recipients of an EATCS fellowship.
The EATCS Award 2022 - Laudatio for Patrick Cousot
The EATCS Award committee selects
Patrick Cousot
as the recipient of the 2022 EATCS Award.
The 2022 Gödel Prize
The 2022 Gödel Prize is awarded to the following papers
- Zvika Brakerski, Vinod Vaikuntanathan: Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption from (Standard) LWE. FOCS 2011: 97-106. SIAM Journal of Computing 43(2): 831-871 (2014)
- Zvika Brakerski, Craig Gentry, Vinod Vaikuntanathan: (Leveled) fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping. ITCS 2012: 309-325. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 6(3): 13:1-13:36 (2014)
The above papers made transformative contributions to cryptography by constructing efficient fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes.
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