Italian Chapter of EATCS
History and Organization
The Italian Chapter of the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) was founded in 1988, and its aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and results among theoretical computer scientists, and to stimulate cooperation between the theoretical and the practical community in Italy.
- Angelo Montanari, Univ. Udine (President)
- Emanuela Merelli, Univ. Camerino (Vice-President)
- Daniele Gorla, Univ. Roma, La Sapienza (Secretary)
- Ugo Dal Lago, Univ. Bologna (Treasurer)
- Vittorio Bilo', Univ. Salento
- Giuseppa Castiglione, Univ. Palermo
- Luca Roversi, Univ. Torino
- Blerina Sinaimeri, Univ. LUISS G. Carli, Rome
- Simone Tini, Univ. dell'Insubria
Major Activities
- Organization of the Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science ICTCS.
- Organization of the "Primavera dell'Informatica Teorica", online seminar series.
- Organization of Schools for Ph.D. students.
- Awards (in this page there is a comprehensive list of all the previously assigned awards and the winning theses):
- for Best Italian Master Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science.
- Selection Committee: EATCS-IT Council.
- 2024 Winner: Lorenzo Carfagna (University of Pisa), Compressibility Measures for Two-Dimensional Data. Special mention: Gabriele Masina (University of Trento)
- for Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science.
- for Best Italian Young Researcher in Theoretical Computer Science.
- Selection Committee: Mila Dalla Preda (University of Verona), Adriano Peron (University of Trieste) and Marinella Sciortino (University of Palermo)
- 2024 Winner: Federico Fusco (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Patronage of Conferences and Schools held in Italy (see here for a comprehensive list)
- The Italian Chapter has a mailing list of members (and former members) [messages sent before June 2014 can be found in the old archive]. Only members can send messages to the list directly (
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), non-members may send messages only through the
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or the
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- minutes of the Chapter Assemby meetings
- List of members
Achievements & News
How to Join the Italian Chapter
The Italian Chapter can be joined by paying the annual fee to the Treasurer. Payment should be made preferably by the end of December. See HOW TO JOIN for details. Please follow all the instructions.